Session Magazine is proud to partner with The Crossing For Cystic Fibrosis to host a LIVE FEED of the beach landing as paddlers come to shore after having paddled 80 miles from Bimini in the Bahamas across the open ocean to land at Lake Worth Beach, Florida on Sunday, June 23, 2024. If you've never seen the culmination of this highly charged and emotional event, we invite you ALL to tune in on Sunday.
The Crossing for Cystic Fibrosis is a long-distance endurance paddle and international championship race that takes paddlers 80 miles across the Gulf Stream from Bimini in the Bahamas back to the City of Lake Worth Beach, Florida. Paddlers each engage in their own personal fundraising to benefit Piper's Angels Foundation, a grassroots non-profit that directly supports families strugging with cystic fibrosis through emergency funding, programs, hospital stays and critical medication to manage this degenerative lung disease.
Last year, in 2023, the event raised over $780,000. This year organizers are asking paddlers and support crews to reach for an incredible $1,000,000 in fundraising. Talk about being a part of something amazing!
The Crossing event was inspired due to the incredible health benefits of the ocean and salty air for those who live with cystic fibrosis. Event organizer, Travis Suit's daughter Piper was diagnosed with CF when she was four years old.