To create this pose, you need two people to be a pair of acro yogis on water. The first person we call “the base”. This is the partner who lies down on the board, facing the sky. The second person is called ‘the flyer’, who is lifted and supported by the base.

1. The base lies down on the board, head towards the back, face up.

2. The flyer stands on the front of the board, facing the base.

3. The base lifts his/her legs to 90 degrees, ready to receive the flyer.

4. As the flyer leans forward, he/she grasps the partner’s hands firmly, and the base straightens her arms to give the flyer stability to lean on.

5. The base then gently pushes her foot into the back of the flyer’s left bended knee to elevate the flyer from the board.

It’s important to keep all the weight balanced between each of the partners’ hands as they begin to transition weight on the board.

6. Once this part of the posture is steady, the flyer passes her right leg between her left leg and her left arm which is completely straight and rooted to the base.

7. Holding the flyer steady, the base presses into the top of the flyer’s back with her left foot simultaneously while dropping the flyer’s left hand. The base can then grab the board with her free hand. This will give both acro yogis stability while the flyer turns herself to slowly face the sky.This is the most challenging part of moving into the pose because it requires several movements and weight transfers.

8. The flyer then slowly arches her back.

9. Finally, the flyer crosses her right leg over the left knee and assumes the full surrender of the pose.

10 At any moment of the pose, the base needs to counterbalance the weight of the flyer by pressing her lower back against the board and keeping her legs straight.

This pose requires a lot of communication between both partners. But that’s part of the fun!

For the flyer, the pose offers a deep feeling of calm, a sense of trust and the experience of complete surrender.